Much to my husband's dismay, I have a habit of finding "stuff" in the alley or on the curb that others have set out for trash. Anytime I bring something home (or request for him to go pick something up), there is a minor amount of grumbling... which I understand because who really wants someone else's "junk" sitting in their garage? I think we've come to an agreement though: he will support my urges to "dumpster dive" and I will flip whatever we found as fast as possible.
This is how I got my latest project - a glass paned door turned into a picture frame and wall hooks!
Last week I was perusing Facebook and Pinterest, where I saw someone had posted/pinned a door that had been turned into a picture frame and wall hooks.

I was intrigued, but didn't really have a door to use, nor was I going to purchase one. Then, coming down my alley on the way home I saw it! Someone was throwing out a door! I got out to make sure it was all in one piece. It was! I got home and immediately asked the husband to go down the alley to get the door. (Which he did because he loves me! Thanks, honey!)
Window-paned door
Hooks (got mine at The Home Depot)
Antiquing Glaze (I use a water-based Valspar from Lowe's)
Polycrylic clear coat (also water-based)
Paint brushes ( I used a 2 1/2" and a 1" brush)
Rags (you will need a few)
Bowl of Water
Window cleaner and paper towels
Tape Measure
Up to 15 Pictures (horizontal, sized and cut down to fit the windows)
I started by setting up the door in the garage and wiping it down with a damp rag. I went ahead and did both sides and cleaned the glass on the backside so I didn't have to worry about it later. I also had the husband cut it down, since typically the bottom part of the door is wider than the top. Now it's evenly spaced!
Then I got my glaze ready. The large stainless steel bowl has warm water in it. I used the smaller green bowl to pour my glaze into for wiping. A little goes a long way, so I just pour in a little at a time until it's all gone and then add more. I hate wasting paint, so this works well for me.
I then took a clean rag, got it damp in the water and then dipped it in the glaze. Then you just rub. Get it everywhere! I learned to glaze from my friend Rachel (proprietor of Retro Rach!) She is a master at antiquing furniture and I love everything she does (including the dresser in my daughter's room)! Her key is the messier the better. You want to make sure you get glaze in all the cracks and corners. DON'T WORRY ABOUT BEING NEAT! Seriously, the messier the better!
I let my glaze dry a little bit and then I took a clean rag, got it a little damp in the water, and then wiped/rubbed away. The more you rub, the less glaze there will be, so you can decide. If you get a little heavy handed in the rubbing, get your other rag back out and rub on a little more glaze.
Then you need to let it sit for a couple of days to cure.
After a couple of days I got out my Polycrylic. My favorite is Minwax clear satin (from Sherwinn Williams). There are other less expensive brands you can get - this is just what we have at our house. I started with my wide brush and coated around all the sides and the outside edges. After that I took my thin brush and coated all interior parts of the door. You don't want to get a lot of clear coat on the windows, so go light. You can always add more, but you don't want it to pool on the window. Then let it dry for about a day!
Next step: Hooks. These were the only things I had to buy for this project ($2.98 each!).
I started by measuring center first. Then in from the two sides, then centered the last two hooks between those. Mark everything with a pencil first! Make sure you have it where you want it and then you can take your drill and attach the hooks.
Looking at the door I knew I needed to do something about the door nob/deadbolt holes. I love my burlap ribbon (from Hobby Lobby). I just used some scrap I had to tie a beautiful bow through the holes.
The last thing is to place your pictures. Since I plan on consigning the door, I didn't want to put personal picture. I had an old calendar, so I cut down the pictures to fit in the windows (you will need to measure your windows and cut down your pictures or center them accordingly). I used plain scotch tape to hold the pictures in place.